Friday, September 27, 2013

How To Reinvent Yourself

On my last visit to my doctor, he was full of praise for my weight loss. I'm still struggling with those last few pounds. But I'll make it.

We discussed how I am spending my days. I must say, I am not happy with how I am spending my days. I am content most of the time to be home with my dog & cats. Not that it's a bad thing, but not what I wanted my retirement to be. Of course, the price of gasoline & a limited income prevents me from traveling as much as I did at first. That's a little let down. I have thought and prayed about what it is God has planned for me to be doing. I have some painting I have to do inside my house & I am going to start on that. I can't bring myself to volunteer at the nursing home or hospital. I guess watching my husband's quick health decline before he went home to be with the Lord, put those in the No category. I have considered volunteering at the school affiliated with the church I attend. That still may be an option. My doctor told me I have to "reinvent myself". He did say that I am no longer the efficient data gatherer in the medical office where I worked for so long. He did not say it, but I know he was also thinking "You are no longer Al's wife.". So I guess my quest begins. I want to take courses in Hebrew and Greek, but have not found any college who offers either of these without enrolling in an entire curriculum. I'm not giving up on those. Have also considered a course in Public Speaking. Do you think I'm a little confused? Well, you would be right. It's not easy to find your place after 43 1/2 years of marriage to the same man, and 24 years at the same job. I don't want to go back to work unless it becomes a necessity. For some, they never want to give up working, but for me I was just tired after 33 + years in the work force. So I have to trust God to send me in the right direction or place a burden on my heart for His purpose.

If there is anyone else out there who's had to reinvent themselves and have been successful, please share your strategy.