Monday, December 20, 2010

The Birth of Yeshua Ha Mashiac

In a few more days it will be Christmas, the day we celebrate the birth of our Lord, Yeshua ha Mashiac. I am so thankful for that babe in the manger, who became the man who died for my sins & yours. There are so many who have no clue what Christmas really is. They go through their daily lives without so much as a thought of the One who came to die. I, too, lived my life without Him. I went to church. I knew the Gospel. I even desired to be "good", but was never able to. Christ pursued me. He offered Himself for us all. It is our decision to continue running away from Him or to turn and run to Him. At the age of 15, I chose to run to Him. I wish I could say I never once faltered in my walk with Him, but I cannot, for that would be a lie. I stumbled so many times; I even strayed away for a while. I am so ashamed that I took my eyes off Him. The world will engulf you when you take your eyes off Him. He is a loving Father, and was willing to forgive me of my human weaknesses. When I fell, He picked me up. He still does, 46 years later.
I can tell you that my life is so different from what it would have been, had it not been for Christ. He has been the constant in a life of so many ups and downs. But His light has always been able to penetrate my darkest moments, and lead me out of the things that threatened to defeat me. So at this season, when we all want to kiss the face of the baby in the manger, my longing is to kneel at His feet. Yeshua ha Mashiac, Jesus the Messiah!

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